API Products

PB API Loans (1.2)(3 APIs included)

With Loans API you can have access to your loans and financing and their corresponding transactions


PB API Transactions (1.2)(4 APIs included)

With PB API Transactions, you can transfer money to any recipient, inside or outside the bank, in single transactions, or in bulk (remittances and/or payrolls).


PB API Accounts (1.2)(3 APIs included)

PB API Accounts, provides information and transactions, about customer's accounts.


PB API Customers (1.2)(1 API included)

PB API Customers provides information and runtime data about the customer.

PB API Trusted Beneficiaries (1.2)(3 APIs included)

PB API Trusted Beneficiaries implements processes related with trusted beneficiaries (i.e. whitelisting of accounts or payments), in order to exclude particular monetary transactions or payments from any second factor authentication requirements.
