When upgrading an application from “Development” to “Production”, the Authorization and Token URLs, as well as the scope used in the Authorization process change.
An example of the current URLs and scopes for each state is presented below, however you should always check each API’s specification for more accurate information.
Development |
Authorization URL https://api.rapidlink.piraeusbank.gr/piraeusbank/production/oauth/oauth2/authorize Token URL https://api.rapidlink.piraeusbank.gr/piraeusbank/production/oauth/oauth2/token Scopes /sandboxapi |
Production |
Authorization URL https://openbank.piraeusbank.gr/identityserver/connect/authorize Token URL https://openbank.piraeusbank.gr/identityserver/connect/token Scopes winbankAccess winbankAccess.info winbankAccess.monetaryTransactions |
For further information regarding the Development and Production states, read the respective Chapter in “Getting Started” (here).