We are happy to announce that the newest version of our PSD2 AIS API is available as of December 23rd, 2020.
To facilitate a seamless incorporation of our latest features into your applications, a new product has been released. Built upon the previous version (3.0), PSD2 AIS v3.1 includes several enhancements for faster results, better performance and more efficient error handling, as well as a few key additions presented in the release notes below.
To access the new API, you need to subscribe to the new product, PSD2 AIS v3.1, that you can access through our Developer Portal.
You should take into account that the old version will still be available during the following three months. Then, the product PSD2 AIS v3.0 will be deprecated.
PSD2 AIS v3.1 Release Notes
- Card account endpoints now provide information about all three available card types, i.e. credit, debit and prepaid.
- The interface consistently relies on Berlin Group XS2A Framework, but also includes some additional fields to offer extra information about your accounts and card accounts, such as ownerName for accounts and cards, cardAccountType to distinguish between the three card types and linkedAccount (for debit cards)
- Improved error handling