We are happy to announce that the newest version of our PSD2 PIS API is available as of today, June 22th, 2020.
To access the new API, you need to subscribe to the new product, PSD2 PIS v3.0, that you can access through our Developer Portal.
The new version includes several enhancements for better performance and faster results, as well as a few key modifications and additions, which are presented in the release notes below.
You should take into account that the old version will still be available during the following three months. Then, the product PSD2 PIS v1.0 will be deprecated.


PSD2 PIS v3.0 Release Notes

  1. The use of certificates has been fully streamlined, in compliance with the requirements of PSD2 and RTS. You can review all related information in the respective documentation (Certificates).
  2. The "_links" object has been extended to contain one more attribute, the so-called verb, which indicates the http method that needs to be used when making the request included in each link.
  3. The "_links" object contains all necessary links to guide the TPP through the mandatory and optional steps for SCA, payment execution and information/status retrieval.
  4. The documentation on the entire flow of PSD2 payment initiation, authorization and execution has been updated and enhanced with detailed examples available in Technical Docs.
  5. Another section has been added in Technical Docs, regarding Sandbox & PSD2 APIs.